
In the Unexpected Quest post, I talked about how we had to transition Vale's templates to full generics in order to implement Vale's region borrowing feature which blends borrowing with shared mutability.

I wanted so badly to write more about generics in that article. There's so much weird potential in generics!

Pull up a tree stump and listen, for I am about to enlighten you on how generics could actually make compile times faster, enable much better cloud building, and maybe even help hot-code reloading.

Pull up a chair!

Development time is vital

This is an important topic because compile time is super important for a language.

When I can write changes, compile, and see the results within seconds, it's much easier to get immersed where I'm just thinking about the problem at hand.

In that state of flow, one looks up after a few minutes and it turns out hours have passed. A ton of progress was made! When a language enables that, it's glorious.

On other projects and languages, however, it might take an entire minute to compile. If it takes me ten compile-test cycles to solve a problem, then I've wasted ten minutes.

Or if I'm unlucky, even more than that. I might get distracted, pull up reddit, check discord, or even play some Pixel Dungeon to my delightful detriment. Sometimes, I look up after twenty minutes and realize that it finished nineteen minutes ago.

We've all been there. It's not just me, right?

Compile times are important. So if we can make them faster, maybe distributed, and perhaps even make it so we can recompile a part of the program while it's still running, that'd be a major win.

Let's see how generics can help us!

What's a template?

Vale previously didn't have full generics, it had templates.

Here's a function PrintEqual that will print "Equal!" if the two given things are equal.

We're calling it with the int type, but we could also call it with float, i32, or anything with a < defined for it.

We could even call clamp with a struct we make, such as a MyFraction struct. 0

func PrintEqual<T>(a &T, b &T) {
if a == b {
} else {
println("Not equal!");

exported func main() {
PrintEqual(5, 5);
PrintEqual(5, 10);
PrintEqual(true, true);
PrintEqual(true, false);
PrintEqual("hello", "world");

Not equal!
Not equal!
Not equal!

We're calling PrintEqual with three different types: int, bool, then str.

Every time we call PrintEqual with a new type, it does two things:

First, it copies the PrintEqual code, and substitute the right type in for T. For example, if T is int, we'd get:

func PrintEqual<int>(a int, b int) {
if a == b {
} else {
println("Not equal!");

Second, it type-checks the resulting code.

Looks a lot like generics! What's the difference?


This would work only if we defined a < that takes MyFractions, of course.

The Difference

A generic function is almost the same as a template function. It does those same two things.

However, it does them in the reverse order. Specifically, it:

  • Type-checks the PrintEqual function first.
  • Later, "instantiate" (or "specialize" or "monomorphize"); make a copy for every type we use it with.

You could say that it's a difference of when we type-check a function:

  • With templates, we copy the un-typed AST, substitute something for T, then type-check.
  • With generics, we type-check the AST, and for each type we copy the AST, substituting something for T.

Generics Can Be Faster

For the above example, we only need to type-check a function once (PrintEqual<T>) with generics, instead of three separate times (PrintEqual<int>, PrintEqual<bool>, PrintEqual<str>) with templates.

Type-checking can be pretty slow sometimes, so doing it once instead of three times is a nice win. Huzzah!

Unfortunately, it doesn't help anything in later stages of compilation, when we still have to translate a function's three instantiations to machine code. Is there a way we can use generics to reduce that too?

Compile Speed via Type Erasure

Yes there is! And it was beneath our noses the whole time.

In 1995, a guy named James Gosling made an obscure little language name Java, and it didn't have templates or generics or anything.

To accomplish the same thing as generics, the user would need to do a lot of type-casting.

Instead of having a Map<Integer, String>, they would simply have a Map.

To pull out a string like this:

String x = map.get(6);

...people wrote:

String x = (String)map.get(6);

...because Map's method get returned an Object.

Everything returned an Object. There were no generics. It's similar to how we always cast to and from void* in C, and similar to how we often cast to and from interface{} in Go.

Later on, Java wanted to add generics. However, to preserve compatibility with existing JVMs, they made their generics a compile-time concept.

The compiler knew about generics, but under the hood, the JVM still treated everything as an object.

This is familiar to anyone who has used Typescript or mypy in Python. Generics are simply a compile-time abstraction; the VM in the end doesn't care about silly frivoloties like types. It just calls functions on Objects.

This is a technique known as type erasure. After the typing phase, the compiler erases any information about generics, and reduces it to something that existing JVMs can understand.

Type erasure has a hidden benefit: the compiler doesn't need to instantiate generic functions. 1

Instead of translating a function's three instantiations to machine code, it instantiates the original generic function directly to machine code.

Read on to see how that's possible!

Note that this is a post full of ideas, not live features. Generics are implemented in Vale now, but it doesn't yet have type erasure, cloud compiling, or hot-code reloading.


Though, these languages do some instantiation at run-time with a technique known as "Just In Time" compilation.

Type Erasure to Reduce LLVM's Work

Every native language with templates or generics like C++, Rust, etc. will have a monomorphization step, which creates many copies of generic functions, each with the right types substituted in.

These copies then go to LLVM.

LLVM is great, but as any compiler engineer knows, LLVM takes a really, really long time.

For example, Cone's compiler spends 99.3% of its time in LLVM.

Here's why type-erasure is awesome: it means our program contains less functions, which means LLVM doesn't have to do as much work.

For example, this program involves some functions:

  • func main()
  • func List<T>() List<T>
  • func add<T>(self List<T>, elem T)
  • func get<T>(self List<T>, index int) T
  • (plus a few more) 2

import stdlib.collections.list.*;

exported func main() {
int_list = List<int>();
bool_list = List<bool>();


And when the compiler monomorphizes the various generic functions, we end up with more functions:

  • func main()
  • func List<T>() List<T> becomes:
    • func List<int>() List<int>
    • func List<bool>() List<bool>
  • func add<T>(self List<T>, elem T) becomes:
    • func add<int>(self &List<int>, elem int)
    • func add<bool>(self &List<bool>, elem bool)
  • func get<T>(self List<T>, index int) T becomes:
    • func get<int>(self &List<int>, index int) int
    • func get<bool>(self &List<bool>, index int) bool
  • (plus a few more) 3

But instead of monomorphizing, we could do something like Java does, and end up with: 4

  • func main()
  • func List() List<Object>
  • func add(self List<Object>, elem Object)
  • func get(self List<Object>, index int) Object
  • (plus a few more) 5

LLVM only has to compile these functions, instead of all the ones we saw before.

Of course, type erasure can result in worse run-time speed, as it uses virtual calls instead of making multiple instantiations of functions. That's why this would all mainly be useful for development mode only.

Parallel compilation

Without type erasure, we need to know T before we can compile func add<T>(self List<T>, elem T) to anything.

With type erasure, we can eagerly compile it to func add(self List<Object>, elem Object), we don't need to know what T is.

With type erasure, we can start compiling add right away. In fact, we could do it at the same time as main.

Since our computers have multiple cores, we can compile these in parallel, and reduce our compilation times quite a bit.


Specifically, func println(x int), func println(x bool), and drop<T>(self List<T>)


Specifically, func println(x int), func println(x bool), drop<int>(self List<int>), and drop<int>(self List<int>)


We're not the first to think of this! Inko has been thinking about this for a while now.


Specifically, func println(x int), func println(x bool), and drop(self List<Object>)

Cloud compilation

In fact, we could even compile func add<T>(self List<T>, elem T) once on some server somewhere, and translate it to machine code, in the form of a static library.

When the user wants to depend on our List class, they can download the pre-compiled static library and just link with it, thus skipping the entire compilation step.

There are some challenges here, of course.

Architecture: The server might not know the end program's target achitecture.

Perhaps the server could compile the most common ones (x86, Arm, etc.)? Or lazily compile and cache when a new architecture is requested.

Costs: Vale is a completely free open-source language, and we don't have enough donations coming in to support cloud building.

Perhaps we could just make the server a distributed cache, and have the users' machines do the compilation themselves. There might be some trust aspects to resolve there though.

Determinism: This only works if the Vale compiler is completely deterministic.

Luckily, determinism is kind of Vale's thing!

It's ideas like this that make me love compiler development. So many interesting challenges and solutions!

Hot-Code Reloading

Hot-code reloading is where we can change the code while the program is running, and observe the changes without restarting the program.

This is common for languages like Java and Kotlin whose runtime makes this much easier, but it's proven quite challenging for native languages. 6

I think type erasure will make this easier, because when we change one function's source code, we only need to update one function in the (running) binary.


These are all just crazy ideas, but I really want to make that first one happen. Type-erasure for faster compile times in development mode would be pretty incredible.

With that, we can make Vale's compilation ridiculously fast, so we can all get into that nice state of flow when coding.

Who would have guessed that generics could be the key?

That's all, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions, feel free to join the discord or subreddit or reach out via twitter!


- Evan Ovadia


Jakub Konka has been making great strides here, he got hot-code reloading on macOS/arm64 with Zig!